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Emergency Medical Minute


Jul 21, 2023

Contributors: David Young MD, John Hesling MD, Travis Barlock MD, Jeffrey Olson


In this episode, Dr. Travis Barlock and Jeffrey Olson meet in the studio to discuss several clips from the event “Ukraine Brewtalk” from October 2022. This event was hosted by the University of Colorado’s Center for COMBAT Research and Emergency Medical Minute assisted in the audio recording of the speakers.

The first clip is of a brief talk by Dr. John Hesling who was presenting some of his research about Pediatric Supermassive Transfusions.

The second and third clips are from the keynote speaker, Dr. Dave Young, an Emergency Medicine Physician at the University of Colorado Hospital, talking about his experience of serving with USA’s Team Rubicon providing medical aid in war-torn Ukraine.

Medical topics discussed include Pediatric trauma, blood transfusions, tourniquet use, refugee care, and blast injuries.


  • Hesling JD, Paulson MW, McKay JT, Bebarta VS, Flarity K, Keenan S, Fisher AD, Borgman MA, April MD, Schauer SG. Characterizing pediatric supermassive transfusion and the contributing injury patterns in the combat environment. Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Jan;51:139-143. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2021.10.032. Epub 2021 Oct 24. Erratum in: Am J Emerg Med. 2022 Feb;52:275. PMID: 34739866.

  • UNHCR. (2023, July 11). Ukraine Refugee Situation. Operational Data Portal. 

  • Ainsley, J. (2023, February 24). U.S. has admitted 271,000 Ukrainian refugees since Russian invasion, far above Biden’s goal of 100,000. 

  • Built to serve. Team Rubicon. 

Summarized by Jeffrey Olson, MS1 | Edited by Jeffrey Olson MS1 and Jorge Chalit, OMSII