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Emergency Medical Minute


Jul 30, 2017

Author: Gretchen Hinson, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • High-Altitude Pulmonary Edema (HAPE) is caused when hypoxemia due to low ambient pO2 leads to breakdown and constriction of the pulmonary vasculature leading to edema.
  • HAPE is very rare under 8000 ft, but common over 10000 ft (6%). Over 18,000 ft the incidence is very...

Jul 28, 2017

Author: Jared Scott, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • Boerhaave syndrome (aka effort rupture of the esophagus) accounts for 10% of esophageal ruptures and is usually caused by strain during vomiting episodes. It can also be caused by childbirth, seizure, or prolonged coughing or laughing.  
  • Food and water swallowed after the...

Jul 26, 2017

Author: Aaron Lessen, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • 2 studies this past year looked at pediatric and adolescent patients following a concussion. They found people who returned to activity sooner did better than those who went on “brain rest”.  
  • While patients should still follow up with their PCP following a concussion,...

Jul 24, 2017

Author: Sam Killian, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the USA. He served 2 terms from 1829-1837.
  • He had had many medical issues during his presidency. He was said to be chronically underweight with rotting teeth. Furthermore, he had chronic infections and lead poisoning from bullets...

Jul 22, 2017

Author: Jared Scott, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • BB gun eye injuries are most common in August and September. They most often happen to males aged 16-17 year old. Around 10% of the BB eye injuries lead to eye loss.
  • Accidental firearm injury is common in children and is a common cause of mortality. One-third of homes...