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Emergency Medical Minute


Apr 30, 2018

Author: Jared Scott, M.D.

Educational Pearls:

  • Cardiac myocytes and vascular smooth muscle are dependent on an intracellular calcium influx for contraction. Pancreatic beta cells rely on calcium to release insulin.
  • Calcium channel blockers will decrease cardiac contractility and heart rate, but will also cause...

Apr 27, 2018

Author: Nick Hatch, M.D.

Educational Pearls:


  • Methemoglobinemia is when the iron in hemoglobin is in the Fe3+ (ferric) state rather than the normal Fe2+  (ferrous) state. Methemoglobin cannot release oxygen at the tissues.
  • Symptoms include cyanosis, headache, tachycardia, dyspnea, and lethargy.
  • Suspect in setting...

Apr 25, 2018

Author: Jared Scott, M.D.

Educational Pearls:


  • Recent study compared Compazine with Benadryl vs. Dilaudid for acute migraine management in the ED.
  • Compazine + Benadryl demonstrated migraine relief in 60% of patients compared to the 31% of patients who were relieved with Dilaudid.
  • Compazine + Benadryl is a superior...

Apr 23, 2018

Author: Don Stader, M.D.

Educational Pearls:


  • Pulmonary embolism is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality.
  • There is disagreement among different medical societies about the value of D-dimer as a screening modality. If you use it, consider the rational D-dimer approach whereby you add 250 to your cut-off...

Apr 20, 2018

Author: Aaron Lessen, MD

Educational Pearls:


  • Shockable rhythms like V-fib or V-tach have a better prognosis than patients with PEA or asystole.
  • Recent study has shown an initial electrical frequency in PEA between 10-24/min had worse outcomes than PEA with initial rhythm over 60/min.
  • Patients with an initial...