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Emergency Medical Minute


Sep 29, 2021

Contributor: Nick Tsipis, MD

Educational Pearls:

  • Fluid choice may have an impact on outcomes in resuscitation, and a meta-analysis has relevant insight into their use in sepsis and trauma patients
  • Large volume normal saline fluid resuscitation in sepsis is associated with acute kidney injury and metabolic acidosis compared to Lactated Ringers
  • Choice of fluid did not have significant differences in trauma patients for initial resuscitation


Tseng CH, Chen TT, Wu MY, Chan MC, Shih MC, Tu YK. Resuscitation fluid types in sepsis, surgical, and trauma patients: a systematic review and sequential network meta-analyses. Crit Care. 2020;24(1):693. Published 2020 Dec 14. doi:10.1186/s13054-020-03419-y


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