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Emergency Medical Minute


Sep 25, 2017

Author: Heidi Wald, MD, MSPH 

Associate Professor of Medicine - University of Colorado School of Medicine, Physician Advisor - Colorado Hospital Association

Dr. Heidi Wald explains common misconceptions of UTI's in elderly patients and provides tips on how to properly identify them. 


Trestioreanu , Adi Lador...

Sep 22, 2017

Author: Erik Verzemnieks, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • Posterior vitreous detachment is the tearing of the lining in the back of of the eye.
  • Patients often present with loss of vision and floaters.
  • Diagnosis can be made with US.
  • This is a benign diagnosis, but 10-15% can progress to retinal detachment , so follow up  with...

Sep 20, 2017

Author: Chris Holmes, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • There’s little/no data about the necessary length of an antibiotic course, nor has it proven that stopping a course of antibiotics early selects for the most resistant bugs.
  • There’s little incentive for drug companies to fund this type of study.
  • Pro-calcitonin levels...

Sep 18, 2017

Author: Nick Hatch, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • Photic or solar retinitis occurs when you stare at the sun. The refractive power of the lens of the eye concentrates the light of the sun on the retina, stimulating the production of free radicals, damaging photoreceptors.
  • Solar retinitis may present hours-days after light...

Sep 15, 2017

Author: Sam Killian, M.D.

Educational Pearls

  • The tongue blade test is done for mandible fractures, which make up 40-60% of facial fractures.
  • The test is done by having the patient bite down on a tongue depressor on one side of the mouth. The provider then tries to snap the tongue depressor. This is repeated on the...