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Emergency Medical Minute


Sep 29, 2023


  • Kalen Abbott, MD - EM Physician and Medical Director for AirLife Denver

  • Brendan Reiss - Flight Nurse AirLife Denver

  • Matt Spoon - Flight Paramedic AirLife Denver

  • Jordan Ourada - EMS Coordinator at Swedish Medical Center and Paramedic


In this episode, hosted by Jordan Ourada, Brendan Reiss...

Sep 25, 2023

Contributor: Meghan Hurley MD

Educational Pearls:

What is ATLS?

  • Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) is a systematic and comprehensive approach to the evaluation and management of trauma patients

  • It was developed by the American College of Surgeons (ACS)

  • The key components include the Primary Survey ("ABCDE"), the...

Sep 18, 2023

Contributor: Meghan Hurley MD

Educational Pearls:

  • Shift work is defined as anything that takes place outside of a 9-5 schedule, not exempting day-shift medical workers

  • Various ill effects of shift work on overall health:

    • Increased all-cause mortality

    • Increased number of accidents

    • Glucose...

Sep 11, 2023

Contributor: Aaron Lessen MD

Educational Pearls:

Why is airway management more difficult in obesity?

  • Larger body habitus causes the chest to be above the head when the patient is lying supine, creating difficult angles for intubation.

  • Reduced Functional Residual Capacity (FRC) causes these patients to deoxygenate...

Sep 4, 2023

Contributor: Nick Tsipis MD

Educational Pearls:

  • The scaphoid bone is the most proximal carpal bone just distal to the radius

  • Fractures of the scaphoid bone are sometimes missed by plain X-rays

    • A 2020 review found a 21.8% incidence of missed scaphoid fractures later diagnosed by advanced imaging modalities

    • Only...