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Emergency Medical Minute


Nov 27, 2023

Contributor: Dr. Taylor Lynch

Educational Pearls:

  • Time of arrival until intubation was 26 minutes but nobody tried anterior neck access like a cricothyrotomy until his dad arrived

  • Traditional ACLS protocol is not enough for anaphylactic respiratory arrest

    • Circulating O2 from compressions alone is not enough to...

Nov 20, 2023

Contributor: Jared Scott MD

Educational Pearls:

Should we use opioids to treat low back and neck pain? The OPAL Trial, published in The Lancet, in June 2023, attempted to answer this very question.

  • Objective: Investigate the efficacy and safety of a short course of opioid analgesic (oxycodone-naloxone) for acute low...

Nov 13, 2023

Contributor: Jared Scott MD

Educational Pearls

  • A recently published study assessed the burden of respiratory viruses in a longitudinal cohort of children from 0 to 2 years of age

  • The children in the study received nasal swab PCR testing weekly to determine infectivity

  • They were also monitored for symptoms via...

Nov 6, 2023

Contributor: Travis Barlock MD

Educational Pearls:

Common sedatives used in the Emergency Department and a few pearls for each.

  • Propofol

    • Type: Non-barbiturate sedative hypnotic agonizing GABA receptors.

    • Benefit: Quick on and quick off (duration of action is approximately 2-7 minutes), helpful for suspected...